“We have lost perspective when we see other churches as the competition, vying for prominence and distinction. Instead we should find ways to demonstrate our unity and serve each other.
“The Church must draw inspiration from Whose it is, to rise to its greatest calling, to cease striving within and rise above. Instead of thinking conformity, the Church must think creatively. Instead of merely having an impact, the Church must settle for nothing less than transforming its culture through manifesting its Savior. Rather than working to boost its attendance, the Body of Christ must rise to the full stature of Christ’s character in the beauty of diversity of size, ethnicity and form.
“The issue is not house churches versus traditional ones. Not post-moderns versus moderns. Not ethnic or Caucasian, nor denominational over independents. What matters is this: Where is the Spirit of Christ present, and where is the truth of Christ found? If these exist, their flickering flame must be coaxed into a hungry fire and blown into roaring conflagration.
HI Marcy. I’m very encouraged by what you guys are doing in your neighborhood! It is terrific that you are seeing people come to Christ around you. And music is a great unifier. Keep me posted.
Well said Bob!
My family and I are seeking ways to love and serve in our staid Northwoods church. I believe God is very much at work in it as we have seen four or five people come to Christ within the last 6 weeks.
I have been looking down the road lately and wondering how to meet and greet our church neighbors – a Catholic Church, a Congregational one and a Lutheran one, all within walking distance of one another. Music just might become the calling card we need.