Your congregation has the money it needs plus extra to share

11 12 2012

Here is another excerpt from THE AMAZING POTENTIAL OF ONE SURRENDERED CHURCH (p. 76) that elevates the potential of even the smallest congregation.

The apparent simplicity and leanness of the financial aspect of Antioch should dissolve the notion prevalent in many churches which says, “We can’t do it because we don’t have enough money.” Where we still conclude that our ministries need significant sums of money in order to advance, we should at least be honest enough to admit that the necessity comes more from our adapting to the expectations of our surrounding culture than from what is required Biblically to plant and grow churches.

The Antioch church grew rich in commodities that are priceless yet free. They studied God’s Word diligently. They gave liberally according to what God had already given them. And they obeyed God in whatever He asked of them. Any church that pursues these assets with their whole heart will find their emphasis on financial needs diminishing by comparison to these spiritual riches.


1. How do you know you have the mind of God when you make financial decisions? What are the indicators that you are applying funds because of Biblical norms rather than cultural considerations alone?

2. You would find it profitable to spend time in praise to God for His abundant provision for the financial needs of your church. You could also ask Him to reveal ways in which you could unleash the spontaneous giving of the believers.



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