6 Reasons Your Nation Cannot Be Glad

5 09 2016

God’s desire is that every nation be glad. The Bible is clear about this. In one Psalm (#67) God reveals six signs of a glad nation. But your nation cannot experience these because they only happen when God is given opportunity to bring in His character. There are no glad nations today, and I do not think we can even imagine one.

I am an American, so let me focus on why America cannot be glad. You can adjust this to your own nation.

1. WE DO NOT LOOK TO GOD FOR MERCY AND BLESSING. “God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us” (Ps. 67:1). When someone’s face shines on another, it means he has joy and pleasure on his face. He is pleased and happy with what he sees. A glad nation is one on which God looks with an intent to shower his favor. Most Americans have no interest in this.

2. WE DO NOT KNOW THE WAY OF SALVATION. “That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations” (v.2). A glad nation is one in which common families know that we are in dire straits without God, and that He is our only hope. Most Americans think they know all they need to know. They don’t think God can save.

3. WE DO NOT SING TO GOD WITH JOY. “Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You. Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy!” (v.3,4a). This scripture actually tells of God’s wish that everyone would be happy with praise! Americans are too busy for this, and too focused on many things other than God. We are so intent on “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” that we created a sad nation.

4. WE DON’T WANT RIGHTEOUS GOVERNANCE. “For You shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations on earth.” (v.4b). God would like to gladden nations by helping governments to reward good acts, punish evil, and protect the weak. We are too interested in our own rights to let God’s way enter in.

5. WE DO NOT VALUE A PRODUCTIVE EARTH. “Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You, then the earth shall yield her increase; God, our own God, shall bless us” (Ps.67:5-6). We don’t see the earth as God’s creation, so we make no connection between honoring God and having prosperity. We think the earth just happened, and we are trashing it. We don’t recognize our prosperity because we always want more.

6. WE HAVE NO REVERENCE FOR GOD. “God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him” (v.7). “Fear” means to honor and respect. Because my nation does not respect God, we have reason to be afraid of Him. God is angry because we have declined His goodness. This has seriously ticked Him off, and we are living with the results.

God is good and wants nations to be glad. You and I live in sad nations because God is willfully ignored. These are the sad facts.

Frightening prospect of an understandable God

11 10 2015

The man said he could not understand why God allows suffering, war, and disease.

I agreed that the ways of God are often a mystery to us.

He declared that He could not put his faith in a God who did not make a greater effort to be understood.

bird in flightSo I asked the man how well he was doing at flying. “In an airplane?” he queried. “No, by flapping your arms,” I replied. He frowned, mocking my ridiculous question.




Again I asked, “How is your deep sea diving coming along?” He replied, “I’ve never learned how, nor do I have the equipment.” I explained that I wasn’t talking about scuba diving but about plying the deep waters like a shark or whale.whale

Disdaining my stupidity, the man made moves to leave the conversation. So I concluded: “Since you accept the fact that your body has neither the ability to fly like a bird nor dive like a whale, why can you not accept the fact that your brain cannot fathom the depths of God’s mind?”

He stared, unconvinced.

“We live on a planet that is a small speck in a universe of galaxies. Yet we cannot prevent countries from fighting each other. We cannot even keep our citizens from shooting each other. Do you really want to blame the God of the universe for our dysfunction? And more than that, would you really want to put your faith in a God who is no more intelligent than the human mind? For that is what you are requesting when you complain that God cannot be understood.”

He walked away, little realizing that he was at a crucial fork in the road that might not ever appear again.

Psalm of the Waterfalls

30 10 2011

Words fail. Stop short.But I must try.I came upon a hidden world of aquatic beauty so splendid as to defy description.Only imagination could encompass unnumbered waterfalls, vigorously cascading, each one calling, “Look here! Have you ever seen pristine beauty like mine?”One dives halfway down, pausing for awhile in a green pool before plunging again to the frothy floor to begin its meandering journey through forest and hill toward the ocean to the east.Another, roaring like a proud lion before a duel, blasts forth in triumphant power, angrily churning its way from highest pinnacle to fuming cauldron below, exploding bomb-like on the floor and launching a plume toward the sky.By the hundreds, small and great, these sentinels from heaven tirelessly proclaim the Great One who set them in place between black basalt cliffs accented in tropical greens.The waters warn of His danger for, though He is kind, His restrained anger will bring justice in its time.As great waters plunge with aggression, so is the One whose might relentlessly supplies power to all living things.The cascading amphitheater announces the beauty of the Creator whose poetry weaves through all nature, from colorful Toucan to fragrant bougainvillea.Danger. Power. Beauty.Iguassu shows what words cannot tell.Here, where the waters gather in anonymity, surrendering national pride to unity of praise, I bow my dripping head to worship You, My Creator.