Customer feedback of AMAZING POTENTIAL

25 01 2016

(on Amazon, by Pastor Dan)

“As one who has read a number of books which focus on church growth / health, I am grateful for Bob Rasmussen’s entry in this field. There are two significant aspects of this book which sets it apart from many other books related to healthy churches. First, the book is unified by its extended look at the church in Antioch. I strongly believe that healthy church growth should be grounded in Scripture, and that is exactly what we see in this book. Not only this, but Rasmussen provides some wonderful, thought-provoking insights derived from Acts 11. Second, Rasmussen’s work is written in a manner that encourages leadership discussion on these important issues. Over the course of a couple months, I led my elder team through discussions on this book which we found extremely helpful and challenging. And yet, because of the brevity of the chapters, it was also not overwhelming for elders with full time jobs outside of the church. Overall, I highly recommend pastors and leadership teams to use this book for the purpose of thought-provoking, Biblically-based dialogue on the important topic of church health and growth”

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