This is hard!
About now you may be wondering if this trail is still the one you want to travel! Maybe you think I am selecting only the most difficult scriptures while ignoring all the easy ones. That is a fair assessment. Jesus was harshest with the people in the dominant, religious class. He was much easier on poor people. Is that you? Then take a break from these harsh passages – you already know them from personal experience.
You may have signed on with Jesus before realizing all of these teachings about surrender and sacrifice. Like me in my childhood, you may have just wanted to escape hell and have eternal life. And perhaps you would like to stay at that level – grateful for the hope of eternity but not interested in a fanatical Christian life. That is possible to do; some will be saved but have no or few good works to show for it (1 Cor. 3:11-15).
My counsel to you is to embrace both the comforting and hard teachings of scripture. Jesus does not call you to an easier life but to an abundant one. Not a happy life but a joyful one. You must not leave the trail, so stay moving forward on this one. Take advantage of the many teachers and writers who encourage you along the way. My service to you is to help you get your bearings, reorient your direction, and keep following Christ. Onward then!
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