Prayer when suffering

18 04 2017

When I have gone through seasons of suffering, I do not find it easy to pray. Sometimes all I am able to pray is “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, help us get through this.”  Or, “Lord, have mercy, have mercy!”

In more peaceful times, I have received insight about prayer during suffering. This kind of prayer brings us back to the cross, and into deeper fellowship with the suffering of Christ. Consider these helps in praying through the four-fold pattern of the gospel cycle:

prayer in suffering

The cup of surrender.  Suffering calls us to surrender in two ways. First, there is the circumstantial suffering –the illness, loss, persecution, job loss, financial crisis, etc. Since this suffering has come to you, surrender to it is not so much a choice as a requirement. But the second kind of surrender is a choice – the attitude of your mind and soul. That is, how will you respond to the suffering? This is the time to pray that the will of God will be accomplished in your heart and in the circumstance.

The cross of sacrifice.  Depending on the nature of your situation, the cost of your sacrifice brings you face to face with intense pain, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. Unlike any other life experience, you may say “I am crucified with Christ.”  Here you may enter into the profound mystery in which the Son of God understands your suffering and, as with Mary and Martha, weeps with you.

The tomb of abiding.  Your suffering will change you. Your soul will have greater capacity to grieve what was lost while still carrying on in faith. There is no time schedule for abiding in the rest available in Christ. There is no right or wrong way to experience sadness. Pour out your feelings to the Spirit of Jesus who understands.  “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16).

The empty tomb of manifestation. Jesus’ story did not end in the tomb, and neither will yours. The risen Christ, who lives within you, will display Himself in you. This happens as you continue to stay surrendered and as you continue to abide with Christ in your loss. Pray that Jesus will find ways to manifest Himself through you. It is not your job to think of how. You must simply maintain hope that He is able to accomplish His witness through you.

pray in sufferingPrayer response:
Sovereign God
who knows all things
who sees the confusion of my heart
who hears my cry
I am your child
the one who hurts
the one who slogs through this terrible time
the one who does not understand why
I’m stuck in time
others move forward, but I’m frozen in this place
does anyone know?
Can anyone relate?
I can’t think ahead
my faith is weak
I can’t go back and undo
my feet are stuck in mud
Please take charge
guide me through
rescue this mess
take some glory for Yourself

This brief teaching is what I write about in my email series called “Following Jesus.” In those lessons, I explain what God has shown me about the “Gospel Cycle” and how you can deepen your walk with Jesus according to the gospel pattern. I would love to send it to you. Please subscribe below.

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2 responses

3 05 2017
From Sadness to Lament | Robert E

[…] I have meditated on this theme often. I am in process.  Here is a post called Suffering. That which you avoid is what you need. And here are some thoughts on how the gospel pattern helps with Prayer when suffering […]

18 04 2017